Saturday, July 22, 2006

yo ho yo ho a hot mans wife, thats me...

why is violet so pissed? i dont even know...
tuesday was erics birthday! he is now 25 years old, yes guys, i know, im old enough to be his mommy- im 26. (well, i will be in a few weeks) anyway, his family has a tradition that everyone decorates the birthday persons bedroom before they wake up on the big day, so of course he and i have carried on the tradition and he woke up to surrounded by yellow crepe paper dangling from the cieling fan and draped all over the bed. side note: eric and i recently decided that we wanted new hobbies. things that we could do instead of watching tv...i took up oil painting, in the footsteps of my daddy and he took up making wooden model ships. although, his little ships were mucho expensivo so he hadnt really done anything yet. (end of side note)
so, when eric woke up he was surrounded by presents of all shapes and sizes- one size amazingly representing a ship. sadly, i could not afford the boat, but luckily his mom and dad could. but i did make him my own ship- out of popcicle sticks, something i am quite handy with! this masterpiece was made only out of little popcicle sticks and the sails were fashioned from $20 bills. (so he could buy all the tools he needed to make his ship.) we both had to work on this day of erics birth, so that was kind of sad, but life. after work we went out for dinner with his fam and saw a movie. this too is a silvestri tradition, to go to dinner and a movie on anyones birthday, fathers day, mothers day, thanksgiving, christmas eve, st. patricks day, martin luther king day...any holiday really. it was a joyous occasion.
instead of cake i made eric an ice cream mudpie. with oreo and caramel crust filled with ice cream and chocolate and toffee chips...mmm...i will share the recipe next dwitger.
so, that was erics birthday experience, it was low key, but devine. i love that guy...he is my precious.


Jess said...

"he is my precious". LOVE IT.

dodyb said...

Unfortunatly I hear that in Gollum's voice.

Jen said...

Me too. But I like saying it all the more, really. "My Precious.." I call Izzy that all the time. (You know you just said it out loud like i did to see if you could do it good.)

Anonymous said...


tara said...

oops that was me, why did it say annonymous??

Lisa said...

i don't think you should post nekid pics of your husband...
its a little wierd.

your dog may be pissed because eric is strangling her while nekid.

arwen said...

I agree with Lisa.


hey... remember that time I checked out Eric from across the parking lot only because he had a yellow hat on and guys with yellow hats are always hot?

Hm. Good times.

P.S. No more nakie pics, kay? it makes me... it's like the picture of Ryan with the bible... I may not be able to sleep tonight...

arwen said...

haha... I JUST saw the title of this blog. That makes it alright.

tara said...

guys if jess can post scandalous pics then i think its only right that we all get to post them. luckily, i love the pic of jess, so it works out well. anyway, you know youve all been waiting for me to put a picture like this of just giving out what the public demands...

arwen said...

i'm still stuck on the title. I like you Tara.

tara said...

did i just get blog spam? frick. although i do need an extra 900.00 a month...hmm...

Jen said...

okay. I figured out what btw means. and I know what bff means.... GOT IT! Laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

An average post, however! Check out this website I found where you can make extra cash.
It's not available everywhere, so go to the site and see if you can find something. I found something and make
and extra $900 a month!

Lisa said...

Before you got a Very Nice! now your just Average...
these guys really need to work on their marketing skills...

Kaydub said...

Why the pic of Eric & Ivy? Show us a shot of the popsicle sticks!

tara said...

well, that pic is from, birthday morning, but i dont think i really have a shot of the ship...sad. it isnt as amazing as one might imagine a popsicle stck ship to be...its just your run of the mill...homemade ship.