Thursday, July 20, 2006

chickeny delicious...

oh dear. its thursday already and it is time for dwitger. i am fully prepared my friends, but considering i havent posted since last dwitger, this could get old, fast. this week has been crazy, so thats my excuse although i have high hopes of posting more regularly. (as most of us do)
the recipe of the dia. (translation=day)
i think i will call it "Chickeny Delicious". none of our recipes have names, so i guess i will make them up as i go and i hope that you all will bake them with gusto and pass them onto your children. one day years from now, your babies will say things like, "oooh mom it is my birthday and the one thing i want is for you to make me some of that "chickeny Delicious"! please mom, i beg of you, it is all i want this year!"

rolls (the best are fresh ones from the bakery)
chicken breasts
pineapple rings
tomatoes, sliced
onions, sliced

grill your chicken breasts however you like best. we like to make a lemon pepper seasoning, but you can use ANYTHING. grill the chicken and the pineapple ring on the bbq or in a skillet until it is a dark and juicy. saute the onions in a little butter until they are tender and browning. make the avocado into a simple guacamole, just mash it and add salt, pepper, and lemon juice. slice you rolls and toast if you want. then just put all of these topping on the roll to make an amazing sandwich!!
we use this recipe all the time when we take meals to friendsor when we have people over. it is quick and easy and fresh for a hot day. p.s. you can also add mayo or butter to your rolls.


Ryan Woods said...

Chickeny delicious...Ewww...Sounds like something our Grandpa would say!

tara said...

ryan neal woods! never say that again! now youve tainted the name "chickeny delicious".

Jen said...

Mmmm... Chickeny delicious! sounds divine and holy. Don't listen to a word he says. He was just distracted by the picture of the chicken which is understandable!

Unknown said...

Tara, I tried to tell you this when you posted your first dwitger--this is a Totally Awesome idea. And that sammich sounds yuuuuummmmmy. (Well, I'd have to leave out a couple of things, but it still sounds delish.)

Please keep posting recipes! If you run out of steam and can't think of any more recipes, let me know. I can be your guest recipe blogger at least twice before I'm tapped out. =P

arwen said...

i like you ryan. i like you bad.

Anonymous said...

tara, i didn think you would remember! alas you did, and i have yet another great dish i probably will never make...but maybe one day!

tara said...

gina, im so glad that someone might actualy make one of my recipes! i figured some poeple might not like the pineapples or tomatoes, but the rest is fabulous! i would love to have a guest blogger some time- we will be in touch about that one!
jen and ry- ok. is the picture offensive to people who know grandpa or the situation?? i dont want to make mom sad...
drew, im so glad youre on board! even though youll never make it.