Saturday, June 17, 2006

blankety blank...

it rained like crazy last night. there was thunder and lightning up to wazu. i slept in on this lovely, damp saturday morning until 10:00 and then decided to take violet (or, ivy as arwen calls her) for a walk to the park. we live a block away from a great big park with a rose garden and tennis courts and trails and a big swimming pool with slides and fountains! its nice. so me and ivy walked and i talked to her under my breath- you know, everyday things that you say to your dog when youre alone, like, "dude, stop yanking the leash", "what the frick is that smell? did you fart?!", "stop pulling! stop, violet! i said stop! fine, then youre going to sit here....sit. sit. no. i said sit. we will sit here until you stop pulling me around. no, sit.siiiit.sit., sit."
this is what most of the walk was like.
then we arrived at the very back darkest corner of the park, the creepy area. you know the one, the area that is under the shade of the trees, kind of smells like a butt. we were in that place, just passing through, and i look over and see a group of 3 men sitting at a picnic table all hunched over. i strain my neck to see whats going on and of course theyve got an actual mirror and razor and are doing drug type things! i kept walking and was trying to look natural, like i was cool with it, no problem here guys. i got the urge to call the police or something of that nature, but was a little nervous. i mean, seriously, what if they did something drastic like blew some of that crap in my eyes or worse! my nose! id be one of them.


arwen said...

You never cease to amaze me, TT. At the begining, I thought "Hmm... this OK City sounds kind of nice. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought it was..." the you talk about Spider Plant farting and, sorry i spoiled it, but I read it to our dad and we laughed. All is well until people do coke in the park. Yeah... that's the Oklahoma City that I pictured...

tara said...

im glad you and our dad liked it. im glad that the twop of you could sit in his office and giggle, probably eating homemade cookies that our mom baked. single tear.

but, maybe if youre lucky, you will get to meet Palm Tree. nay, maybe if she is lucky, she will get to meet you. it sucks that i exposed my child to cocaine at such an early age, but i think it will help her to be a more rounded dog, in the end. she will have to make her own choices....they grow up so fast...

Ryan Woods said...

wow. I've never seen people do crank before (is cocaine the same as crank? I hope so). Thats maybe the scariest story I've ever heard. I mean, if they were doing crank then one must assume that they've also been having premarital sex, smoking pot, chewing tabacco, and partaking in other unhealthy habbits. You are lucky to be alive, or at the very least you're lucky that you're not a crack whore now.

Mrs. Andrea Wood said...

I bet they even...Dance!


arwen said...

I like you Tara. I like you bad.

Jen said...

You guys make my life great. Our dad and mom make my life great, as does my fam, but you guys just bring it over the top some times. thanks to all ya'll!!!

tara said...

im so glad that i put you over the top, jen! love you sissy!

arwen said...

hey Tara, I heard from a little bird that you sent me a package... where doth said package be, My Dear? I'm wetting my pants over here! What tha frick!

tara said...

A-wen, i sent it to ryan and jess...have they not recieveth? they shall, anyday and then they shall depart it unto thee.

arwen said...

I'm there now! I haven't seen it!!!!

tara said...

what the...?

arwen said...


Kaydub said...

Hey, Tara, I just conquored Lucy! Kori's been giving me tips from The Dog Whisperer. After just ONE day and ONE walk, the L-dog knows that I am in charge. ANYthing that might give Lucy the idea that she's leading this walk is the thing that I clamp down on. So KEVIN is the first one out the door. I sit on the front porch while she sits inside the house waiting for ME to invite her out. She NEVER walks ahead of me, and we NEVER take the same route and I take LOTS of turns so she never quite knows which direction I'm going to go.
And finally, Tara, how do you know that they DIDN'T blow some blow in your nose? Maybe they did, and you ARE one of them but now you're just in denial! (Denial IS one of the signs!)

tara said...

aaaw crap dad, you got me. i love crack. cracky crack crack. up into my nose...

arwen said...

oh tara... i like you. i like you bad.

tara said...

arwen, i like you bad. bad ass, that is.

Jen said...

I know you've got a lot of comments on this funny, and great post, but I've passed you up and I have posted, like, 13 times since your last one. Too bad...

At least you're asleep right now...

arwen said...

you were asleep at 1:00 this morning?! Tara, you lucky hobag...

tara said...

hobag and arwen are hobags....