we have a hampster. her name is marci carmen. we got her a few years ago, when we couldnt have baby and we lived in an apartment and we couldnt have a dog...so we got a hampster! we loved her and played with her all the time and fed her applesauce with a spoon. (ya, you read me right) she even had babies one day! she must have been impregnated at the pet store because like, 3 days after we bought her we came home to a cage full of about 12 bubblegum looking baby hampsters! we had to raise them for a while until they were big enough to go live at the pet store...but it was fun have 13 hampsters for a few months! marci has always been lively and vivacious...always trying to eat her way out of her cage, sitting on top of her water bottle and diving off, hanging on the top of the cage...(this may sound like she was suicidal, but she wasnt, she had a great life) anyhoo, the other day we came in the room to find her wobbling around and falling over and running into things! we got scared for her and looked on line to see if there was any info on what could be wrong with her...our little girl had a stroke! and now it turns out that after her stroke she never regained her eyesight and she is blind! her eyes crust over sometimes and she can barely walk and it is the saddest thing ive ever seen! i dont know what to do with her...i want to put her out of her pain and misery, but i dont want to kill her. i love her! if you regularly pray for other hampsters, send one up for marci carmen tonight.
I don't have internet yet, but behold, I am the first to comment! Poor Marci. I don't really say prayers for hampsters but I shall start today. It is Independence Day and all. I'm goind to try to upload some pictures onto my blog but I don't how long it will take inmy current internet situation (stealing wireless from a neighbor).
I'm guessing Marci won't really need any brail material since she couldn't read inthe first place, so that's sorta good. give her my regards.
poor little marci carmen. once i had a hamster, Bob, and i forgot about him and he starved to death. But, i guess starving little Marci won't end her misery much, so don't do that. I usually use the quiet of the mornings before the hustle of the day to say my regular hamster prayers, but i'll make an exception today and do my hamster prayers twice.
T, before i read your post I was so nervous that it was about marci being dead! I am happy to hear it isnt so. I say my hamster prayers for her on a near daily basis. perhaps i will take it up a notch.
here is my new blog! be sure to add me!
thanks for all those hampster prayers guys...i think the lord of hosts and hampsters has heard our cries! (well, she is still blind, but...)
Tara, aren't you going to tell them?
You know...
How can you tell she was blind? Sun glasses & cane? Didn't recognize you? Bumping into things? Eye charts?
'Sorry for your loss, Sweetie.
lol. no she didnt have a cain, she would just fall of the ledges in her cage and walk so slowly and she would have to sniff to find her food instead of walking right up to it.
Dear Children,
We are feeling such sadness over Marci Carmen's sudden demise. We are so sorry that we cannot be with you at the memorial, but our hearts and prayers are with you. She will forever be in our hearts. Marci Carmen: gone but not forgotten!
Mom and Dad Silvestri
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