Saturday, May 20, 2006

i'm a'goin' baby makin...

so, weve been trying to have a baby for about a year and a half now. it sucks. everyone i know is pregnant or having babies and it makes me want one more and more everyday. were trying to get as many people praying for us as we can, so all you blog world, PRAY FOR US. but, jenn and filipe (erics sister and her husband) have been trying for even longer (more like 4 years) and the great thing is that they recently decided to adopt a baby! im so excited for them, this has been such a long hard road and to see them so excited to know that they will have baby soon, is exciting! they will probably get a little girl from guatamala, around 5 months or so. theyre still in the process of paperwork and all that crap, but it makes my heart happy to know that there is a light at the end of their tunnel. ive just started going to the doctor to find out if there is anything wrong with me or if weve just got slow swimmers and im waiting to hear back from the first little round of tests. im not too worried about it, but all prayers are gladly excepted. do you, my friend, have any advice? any probable positions? any nuggets of wisdom? know any witchdoctors that make people pregnant? no, i dont really go for the witchdoctor type...


Priscilla said...

I don't think feeding Eric pansies is going to help!

We'll be 2 praying people over here for you!

Kara Deal said...

Yeah... I want a baby too... but we haven't been trying. So I know some of your pain, not all. We'll be praying for you too!

Jess said...

TT, I pray for you all the time.

Maybe your swimmers are good...what about E's? Let us know what the doc's say.

Lisa said...

I will be praying for you too, Tar, i think you and eric will have the most beautifulest children ever, you two are beautiful people. It will happen, be sure to let us know about the doc visit.

Kaydub said...

Once there was an old man, sitting in his threadbare relciner, musing over the menaingful moments of his life; the meager contributions one man can make; the relationship one invests in; the prayers that are sent heavenward.
In his ample lap rested the old man's computer where words and images splashed, illuminating not only his darkened home, but also his old heart. With deft fingers, the ancient youth minister scrolled and clicked, reading the clever, humorous, and insightful thoughts of his old youth group members and their little friends.
As he linked from one blogsite to the next, the old man's heart warmed ... he sighed deeply ... and a tear fell.

Ryan Woods said...

If He is asking you to wait, then God must be saving a very special baby especially for you guys. We can't wait.

tara said...

youre so precious to my soul, dad.

Ryan Woods said...

This is off the topic, but we did buy eric the coolest card ever for graduation...but I've misplaced it. Jess is kind of mad at me, so don't tell her 'cause I think she forgot. Anyway, let your husband know that there is a card coming in the mail with no less than $200 big ones in it...or not...but maybe

Anonymous said...

I've been there and know what your feeling. I will be praying for you 2.

tara said...

thanks everyone for the prayers and thoughts, i havent heard anything from the doc yet, but im assuming no news is good news and wil call in a few days. love to all!!

Anonymous said...

Wow.My 1st blog ever is yours and ya make this ol' Auntie of yours cry...(your dad's words didn't help either!...I hope you know just how overwhelmingly blessed you are to have such a tender pa and ma...)
I will be prayin for your fert sit. Let me know your test results and this urology nurse will tell ya any I know...
Your pup is a cutie!
I'm not sure I "qualify" as a "blogger"...not sure of qualifications really...
So, I put "other" . So what does that make me? I'm hopin' I didn't break some bloggin' rule?!!!
Ant T