Sunday, September 17, 2006

kind of like a potato...

This is what came up when i googled jones woods. it does remind me of him a little...


tara said...

i thought this was a potato...but now i think its a rock...hmm.
(im glad im the only one comenting to myself...)

Unknown said...

I think it's a potato. But I live in Idaho, so everything starts to look like a potato after a while. Even me.

Jen said...

I think dad did that. Remember when he made a snow bunny instead of a snowman?

arwen said...

i was totally there for that, Jen. Totally. Maybe... was that the same time that we made the giant troll thing coming out of the sewer in the middle of the street? Maybe not... Your dad is kind of like that...
wait... not like a troll from the sewers... crap. I'm just digging myself a hole.

T, I'm glad you posted. I was just on my way over here to tell you that if you don't post again soon, we are over.

The potato/ rock does look like Jones... I think it's the illusion of a bald head... or something...

i like you. and potatoes. and rocks.

Jess said...

I think I have a picture of Jones making that exact same face! What are the chances?

tara said...

thats wierd jess, it must be the exact picture...i wonder how it got on line...he really does look just like a potato.

arwen said...

T... it just occured to me that it's a little weird that you are google-ing Jones.. I realize that he is your nephew and all, but... um... creepshow.... (or as you say so much better: Creepstee)

tara said...

thats what happens when you sit around all google everyone you know. its my dream to find pics of someone i know- but i never do...just potatos and porn. sad.